I just use org mode.*
* Not really. This looks excellent. I just wanted to get the org mode boast dispatched with as soon as possible.
Well, no. That's not what we'd say to use for this (although you could). [Deft](https://jblevins.org/projects/deft/) would be a better comparison/equivalent.
Regarding OP, it looks very snappy! I like it. Looks like it leverages `fzf`. Can we swap it out for something else?
Deft was (around 3 or 4 years) my weapon of choice as well when I was using nvAlt. So, it was nvAlt (for times when I was in a random place on my Mac), Deft (for searching or adding from within emacs and 1Writer [1] from iOS, all were fed from a Dropbox folder.
Now (since January) though I have moved to use Bear [2] (non-free) on all my devices. Its use case is a bit different, but I like it better overall.
Side question: what do you suggest as alternative to fzf? fzf is excellent (a post I wrote on our engineering blog about using it for custom completions in zsh [3]), but I’m always eager to see new tools I can use.
[3] http://engineering.affectv.com/aws/devops/2018/08/15/fzf-aut...
fzy percol peco
are all excellent alternatives
- Percol (Python): https://github.com/mooz/percol
- Peco (Go): https://github.com/peco/peco
- fzy (C): https://github.com/jhawthorn/fzy