That video needs sound, I have no idea about what's happening.

As the producer of the "video" (it is actually ASCII, you can copy paste stuff out of it) I agree, here is an annotated version:

    - x/pattern/  extracts stuff from the text, creates a selection for every match
    - some normal vi motions are used to modify the selections, "o" to move the
      cursor from one end of the selection to the other, "w" to move the cursor
      to the start of the next word
    - y/,/ similar to x/ but create a selection for everything which does not match,
      hence splitting the existing selection  into multiple ones
    - \ trim selections i.e. remove leading and trailing white space
    - v/Vis keep all selection not matching Vis
    - g/F|C keep all selection matching F|C
    - + rotate selection contents on the same line
    - v/Com keep all selection not matching Com
    - + rotate some more
    - ESC clear selections, ESC remove all cursors
    - x/pattern select different regions
    - .,/^\} extend selection by searching in forward direction until the first match
      of } at the start of a line
    - { i/#if 0\n/ a/\n#endif/ } insert some text before every selection with i/text/
      and append some text after every selection with a/text/
    - change file, select similarily indented code block using a text object: vi
    - x/\w+ extracts all words from selection
    - Tab align selections
    - C-c remove first selection column (i.e. remove first selection on every line)
    - Esc clear selections, switch to normal mode, move to next { with f{
    - i goto insert mode and align cursors

    - search a variable, select it with C-n
    - C-n select next match
    - C-x skip this match, that is clear it and select next match
    - C-n select next match
    - c vi change operator, delete selection, switch to insert mode
    - rename the variable, switch back to normal mode
    - undo the changes

> it is actually ASCII, you can copy paste stuff out of it

No offense to your texteditor, I'm a vim enthusiast and after installing vis just now I really liked it, but that I can copy paste from that screencast caught me really off guard, and it's the height of my day today.

Sure, in hindsight it seems obvious, but ... that's pretty cool!

... not sure what that says about me, maybe I don't wanna know.

thanks for pointing my eyes that way!

I say it says you're an engineer. :D

Only engineers see stuff like this and go "aw, cool!"

Incidentally the "video" is a small pile of JSON - filter for XHR in the devtools to find it, the URL uses an expiration system so a direct link would break. (Aaaand I just learned they implemented VT100 in JavaScript... the JSON is full of actual, real, escape sequences...)

(If you haven't seen it, you might also like: /