I'm surprised 37signals built MSRK as an alternative to Kubernetes.

They stated 2 reasons.

Deployments to K8s are slow.

K8s is hard to setup on bare metal.

Such a terrible idea, let's build something that everyone else has a solution for, we're on our own with our custom solutions that no one else know or use.

We'll see how many years it will take them to come back to Kubernetes or equivalent.

And the argument k8s is too complicated so build our own looks really bad from an engineering perspective.

When you look at the issues: https://github.com/mrsked/mrsk/issues/44 you can some see trivial shortcoming that has been solved for years by other solutions.

And use IP addresses like it was 1999 again. Your IP addresses belong to exactly one location, the DNS server's config. Using a non-type safe configuration language is also meh. I am not sure why most people are unaware of Dhall...

Dhall lacks a killer app that would use it. (Write one!)

k8s is a pretty good one. I would not touch k8s without Dhall:
