How would one most easily construct a pipeline or script to either split apart an mp4 into images, process them all with this tool, and then recombine into a video, or else modify this tool to take video as input?

Anyone have any ideas / suggestions for a path to try that might require the least installation and scripting?

And can anyone tell whether it's deterministic or not as far as whether the same input generates the same output each time?

I've started work down this path for a project I am working on. I downloaded some footage of satellites flying over the earth from NASA, used FFMPEG to extract each frame of the video, wrote a ruby script which runs over every image in a folder and calls primitive ( on each image.

The final step is to recombine it into a single video, which I haven't done yet because I haven't yet implemented video playback in the program I'm writing. In the meantime I'm just loading each image on the fly and playing it as a sprite animation. This results in low FPS but it gets the gist across.

I'm thinking it'd still look pretty choppy even if it was a 60 FPS video though. I'm not yet sure how I'm going to smooth it out. I can share the FFMPEG command I used / script I made with you if you want, but I'd have to find it first (this was maybe a year ago). I'm sure the script is garbage.

I do not believe the go program that I am using is deterministic. You can run the same command on an image twice and it will produce a different result. It might be possible to make it deterministic, but it's not something I've wanted so I haven't looked into it.