This is awesome, can't wait to get api access to the 32k token model. Rather than this approach of just converting the whole repo to a text file, what I'm thinking is, you can let the model decide the most relevant files.

The initial prompt would be, "person wants to do x, here are the file list of this repo: ...., give me a list of files that you'd want to edit, create or delete" -> take the list, try to fit the contents of them into 32k tokens and re-prompt with "user is trying to achieve x, here's the most relevant files with their contents:..., give me a git commit in the style of git patch/diff output". From playing around with it today, I think this approach would work rather well and can be like a huge step up from AI line autocompletion.

Maybe someone can correct me, but my understanding is that you would calculate the embeddings of code chunks, and the embedding of the prompt, and take those chunks that are most similar to the embedding of the prompt as context.

Edit: This, btw, is also the reason why I think that this here popped up on the hackernews frontpage a short while ago: