This is great I was in the middle of a pretty nasty argument and now it'll just stop
IDK what it is about reddit that makes it easy to get sucked into an argument. When I'm twitter, I just speak my mind. If you don't like it, fine, I feel little compulsion to engage. If things get nasty, I just mute or block.
I feel like I get the same amount of benefit out of each site, but twitter delivers it w/ less stress. Maybe it's just an artifact of how, on Twitter, I generally only follow 'experts' and interact w/ their followers vs the sorts of folks who camp on Reddit waiting to start arguments.
Reddit has the petty bonus of people going down your comment chain and downvoting it.
The site would benefit from listing who upvotes and downvotes each post/comment. That would sort out a lot of the abuse issues long before other ideas such as real identities.
You are not able to go through a persons profile and downvote on people's posts. It looks like it from the UI, however it doesn't persist those votes. It may be capturing your attempt though.
To do that you have to visit each and every post and downvote it.
And even if you click through to the actual posts, there's a fairly low limit on the number of times you can downvote a specific person per day before it stops counting.
I would love to read through a source code leak. I have wasted so much of my 20s on that god forsaken site. Now im in my mid 30s and occasionally reminiscence about how innocent I thought it was back in 2010. It is garbage now and it was garbage back than, we just didn't know. In my mind, I actually hold Digg in higher regard just because they never made it to the point where it became a net negative on the world. You know what they say: you either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain or something like that.