For anyone interested there're a few such tools that are modern alternatives to traditional Unix utilities. Interestingly all written in Rust.

    grep -> ripgrep (command `rg`)
    find -> fd
    sed -> sd
    diff -> delta
    ls -> exa && lsd
    cat -> bat
    wc -> cw
    du -> dust
    ps -> procs
    top -> ytop (**edit** archived; author recommends `bottom`)
They all offer their own modern take but I'll say the first two, which are the only ones I'm using, are the most interesting. Both ripgrep and fd offer easier usage. The ripgrep is also an ack replacement and fd can also replace parallel (even has compatible syntax). The amazing part is that both are an order of magnitude faster their counterparts. The ripgrep dev has extended analysis for how this is achieved on their blog[0].


> modern take

What that? Why would I use these rather than the unix tools I have been pretty happy with for nearly 40 years? And which come installed on every unix-like distro.

It would be better if it was written in rust, but I prefer `httpie` to `curl` because I find the syntax significantly easier to get my head around even though curl is installed on virtually every Linux distro I almost always get the syntax wrong.

But if you prefer a tool, there is no reason to switch of you don't want to.

> It would be better if it was written in rust

There is a project to rewrite HTTPie in Rust:

(Disclaimer: I'm one of the developers)