I'm curious how you feel Haskell has helped you. Do you actually use Haskell for a great percentage of your deliverable code or do you simply use it for ideas, experimentation and so forth?
I've made 2-3 toy REST APIs, and now I'm working on a product using a Haskell backend that's bigger. https://github.com/seanhess/serials
I love it. I mean I could have done the same thing in node. But there's something about the workflow in Haskell. I need to add a new feature I didn't think of. But I don't have to refactor as aggressively because all my code is made up of little functions. I start hacking, my editor has a list of errors I still need to clean up. I clean them up, and it usually works the first try.
Or this morning I wanted to add a connection pool to my rethinkdb driver code. The resource-pool package gives you an awesome way to do it for anything. Without knowing about rethinkdb at all.
Also this morning I wanted to do some IO in parallel. I found several nice concurrency packages and threw one in without any refactoring.
It has its difficulties (deployment?) but I'm really enjoying it.
It has its difficulties (deployment?) but I'm really enjoying it.
Anything specific? What kind of environments are you deploying in?