Without Angular, we may very well not have TypeScript today.
The top thing listed in this release (TypeScript doesn't follow semver, btw) is about Decorators. I find the whole story about Angular's role in TypeScript early days to be very fascinating because I don't hear people talk about it anymore (just search "AtScript TypeScript" if you weren't around at the time). It was the Angular team that forced Decorators to be added when it was still stage 0. In exchange, they forfeited continued work on their would-be competitor to TypeScript.
Even without the Decorators thing, Angular was intensely popular and it made a big impact how they went "all in" on TypeScript, pushing a lot of early adoption. I know lots of people that first started with TypeScript because of work on an Angular project.
I think a lot of people don't seem to know/remember how touch-and-go TypeScript was in the very early days. There were many large projects that were all-in on FlowType, and others still that were pushing for Elm, etc. For example, it took quite a while for you to be able to do JSX _at all_.
Today, we just have TypeScript. Well. I do know one company that uses ReasonML (or isn't it called Rescript now?)
Historical stuff aside, I'm extremely happy we ended up with TypeScript over the others because the team is so incredibly awesome and dedicated. It's rare you see such a large project so well shepherded by such a talented set of individuals. It speaks volumes that the average tenure on that team is so high. We've seen some public apologies from the Flow team on this topic so I don't feel like I'm talking behind anyone's back if I say they ended up truly not being up to the task of being what TypeScript is today.
I remember this well, too.
Ironically, I think that angular is the framework that benefits least from actually using TypeScript. There is a separate templating language that's only type-checked if you set the right compiler options. JSX is much better suited for that. Being OOP like angular, it often requires opting out of null-safety or init-checks, because something is late-initialized. Having mutable instance state results in less opportunities to be more strict with typing.
Its good that the TS team decided to align with the ES standards. Initially (talking like v0.8.0), I had the impression that they're building a "C# for the web", being incompatible with ES. Maybe that's why enums and namespaces were added and initially, the boolean was named bool.
What's today called "namespaces" in Typescript was originally called "modules" and then "inner modules" (to differentiate from "exterior modules") and is a tiny simplification on a JS pattern that was extremely common at the time of Typescript's inception called at the time "IIFE modules". "namespace" is a very C# name chosen in desperation (when it became clear that "exterior modules" were the present not just the future of the language and "interior modules" was too confusing a term to live), but it's a very old (and used to be extremely common) JS pattern that TS gave a tiny bit of syntax sugar to. It was a "standard" that existed at the time that was (rightfully) killed by AMD/UMD/CommonJS/ESM, but it is hard to fault the Typescript team at the early 0.x days thinking the "Stage Wild" JS pattern would possibly live on for many years to come. (This is also relevant to the patch notes for Typescript 5.0 as 5.0 is the first version [!] to itself be written as [proper/"exterior"] modules rather than namespaces. There are some interesting stories, including in these release notes for why that took so long to transition and what the performance benefits have been post-transition.)
Even those things that didn't seem like ES standards have some history as JS "standards". It's not like TS 0.x/1.x didn't support "standards", it is more that the TS team mostly decided to focus more on later stage ES standards (more likely to be accepted by browsers) rather than trying to "prollyfill" Stage 0 and "Stage Wild" standards.