I don't see Node.js and Homebrew as "web related".
How, exactly, is Node.js not web related? It is Javascript, a language which owes its entire creation and continous existence to its monopoly position in web browsers. True, Node.js is not run in web browser, but instead in… web servers.
Tell me again how Node.js is not web related?
(Homebrew is, quite as you say, not web related.)
It happens to be popular for server-side web development, but there's nothing inherent in it that forces you to use it for web.
Nothing web-related in this project, for example: https://github.com/neandrake/spirc
That (spirc) is a library. Are there actual applications of any significance written in Javascript which run in a web server (or browser) and do not use the web?
Even if there are, I still feel that Javascript is too completely dependent on its position in web browsers for Node.js to be entirely disassociated with the web. If a new language would replace Javascript in the browser, Node.js would be instantly abandoned. But I could see your point.
Or npm (https://github.com/npm/npm), a package manager?