Just to add context - I do have backups, but they're spread across a myriad of different hard drives. I had used Amazon Photos to consolidate, and benefit from the facial recognition to be able to quickly locate pictures of family members quickly.

I think that I'll give DigiKam another go, against the NAS loaded up.

Thanks for the comments!

> I think that I'll give DigiKam another go, against the NAS loaded up.

I'm also looking for something FOSS that can do basic face recognition + maybe even more, but last time I checked DigiKam's detection didn't work so well, or maybe I got spoiled by the detection in Google Photos. If you do give it a go, would be nice if you reported back on your experience :)

Not sure if it has been mentioned already but photoprism added face recognition a few releases ago and it is working well for me: https://github.com/photoprism/photoprism

The quality of this software is overall extremely good. It is a solo-developer as well so you might want to consider sponsoring them if you end up using it.

I am not affiliated, just a happy user :)