A game engine for the Web without any usable demo, only a video. Who knows how it came to be.
Being used to most Web productions never coming at the level of Infinity Blade, seeing a video isn't really something that impresses the crowd.
Not trying to be rude, but I can’t decipher what you are saying in the second paragraph. Is infinity blade created using the Ambient engine, or does it have deceptive demo videos, or what? Sorry, not trying to be dense.
Besides what the others answered, not only it showed off what was capable on iPhone, it showed what OpenGL ES 3.0 (the WebGL 2.0 foundation) could do.
Most stuff on the Web thus far, with exception of Google Earth and a few ecommerce sites, is closer to Flash 2D games than anything else.
Hence when a game engine advertises itself as WebGPU, I expect a browser demo at the same level as Infinity Blade, Unreal Citadel, or After the Flood graphics, not a video.
WebGPU doesn't necessarily mean "in the browser" though
Rust game engines are using it as a library for native games
It does, anywhere else is better served with middleware that has full exposure to native 3D APIs without the constraints of an API designed to be called in a browser sandbox.
we're talking about https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu which has Vulkan, Metal and DX12 backends