> worlds better than the old ways of managing dependencies and making sure everyone on a project is aligned on what versions of things are installed.

And Nix is worlds better than even this. Imagine!

Does Nix have an equivalent of docker-compose yet?

nix-shell is amazing for installing binaries, but actually wiring up and running the services doesn't seem like a solved problem.

Unless Nix expects a separate tool to do this once binaries are installed, of course.

docker-compose seems necessary only because you have your "official postgres dockerfile" and your self-built "web app dockerfile" (and maybe other things like an ElasticSearch dockerfile)

Docker files seem necessary only because... well put it this way, think of a Docker image as "the cached result of a build that just so happened to succeed even though it was entirely likely not to, because Docker builds are NOT deterministic."

Now enter Nix, where builds are more or less guaranteed to work deterministically. You don't need to cache them into an "image" (well, the artifacts do get cached locally and online at places like https://www.cachix.org/), and the only reason they can do that is because they too are deterministically guaranteed to succeed, more or less), which means you can just include any and all services you need. (Unless they need to run as separate machines/VM's... in which case I suppose you just manage 2 nix files, but yes, "composing" in that case is not really fleshed out as a thing in Nix, to my knowledge)

except you cant deploy Nix files, and even if you could, better be sure that every employee is using Nix and have the same configuration. The whole point of docker is to make reproducible builds everywhere, not just your computer.

On systems that have the same containerization feature that Docker requires, i.e., Linux systems with recent kernels, you can use nix-bundle¹ or the flakes-based experimental command inspired by it, `nix bundle`² to generate an all-in-one binary that you can run without installing Nix on the target.

1: https://github.com/matthewbauer/nix-bundle

2: https://github.com/NixOS/bundlers