After watching the demos I'm convinced that the new context length will have the biggest impact. The ability to dump 32k tokens into a prompt (25,000 words) seems like it will drastically expand the reasoning capability and number of use cases. A doctor can put an entire patient's medical history in the prompt, a lawyer an entire case history, etc.
As a professional...why not do this? There's a non-zero chance that it'll find something fairly basic that you missed and the cost is several cents. Even if it just phrases something obvious in a way that makes you think, it's well worth the effort for a multimillion dollar client.
If they further increase the context window, this thing becomes a Second Opinion machine. For pretty much any high level job. If you can put in ALL of the information relevant to a problem and it can algorithmically do reasoning, it's essentially a consultant that works for pennies per hour. And some tasks that professionals do could be replaced altogether. Out of all the use cases for LLMs that I've seen so far, this seems to me to have the biggest potential impact on daily life.
edit (addition): What % of people can hold 25,000 words worth of information in their heads, while effectively reasoning with and manipulating it? I'm guessing maybe 10% at most, probably fewer. And they're probably the best in their fields. Now a computer has that ability. And anyone that has $20 for the OpenAI api can access it. This could get wild.
They also just tweeted this to showcase how it can work with multimodal data too: