Some cool facts about the device from a hacker point of view:

- Main developer/CTO is a KDE dev and very open source-friendly.

- You get root access to the device out of the box.

- The device is running a mainline kernel with minimal patches, which have a good chance at being upstreamed[1].

- The toolchain is open[2]. They use vanilla QT/QML and people have already built simple example apps.

- There's an unofficial Linux client which works just fine.

- Desktop client and device run the same code, so you can just sync the files locally without connecting the device to the internet. Works both ways (it's the setup I use).

[1]: [2]:


IMHO, these are important features. It seems it does not have Bluetooth (for a keyboard and/or headset to listen to mp3 while reading) and the battery can not be easily replaced.