My m1 is employer provided, so I always just blame the 10 different security/management tools.

Ah, that's terrible. They just took away my Lenovo laptop with Linux to set me up with a 'platformed' Intel MacBook Pro, and CrowdStrike is eating CPU all the time.

Everything not included in the system (I guess CrowdStrike is checking every executable all the time) super slow. Even doing 'exa -l --icons /' on the shell is sometimes even orders of magnitude slower than my Linux. Around 50ms in Linux, but around 300ms in macOS...

I thinking about setting up everything inside a virtual machine to see if CrowdStrike controls that. It might even be faster.

Is there good virtualization software for m1 yet? Last time I looked it was like "well there's a parallels beta..."

Haven't worked much on it, as I have an Intel, but I'd say the best two options you have now are Lima and UTM:

I checked Virtualbox this week and it's also beta/testing for M1