It looks like majority of this gains are related to memory management and garbage collector or am I missing something?

JDK 8 -> JDK 11 gains were huge thanks to String optimisations (e.g. GC could dedup strings and store one char as byte in many cases).

I'm not super surprised? That seems to be where most improvement happens across a variety of languages nowadays.

I recently listened to an interview with someone working on Intel's C++, and he indicated that, contrary to popular assumption, most of the speed boost you can get with it isn't from better instruction-level micro-optimization, it's from analyzing information flows and maximizing locality of reference.

Perhaps this is an inevitable result of that ever growing processor-memory performance gap. Nowadays, the cost of having to take a walk of shame out to the RAM chips is so great compared to everything else that I would assume that minimizing the number of times you have to do that is by far the lowest-hanging fruit.

Java's value objects (inline classes) will "maximize locality of reference". [1]


That draft is approaching 10 years old now. Has there been any indication of progress on this front in the recent JDK versions?

The kotlin workaround hacks are clever but also nasty and having real VM support for this would be great. But it also is starting to seem like the type of issue that just won't ever be fixed, despite how hugely important it is for performance.

It takes time to make such a fundamental, but backwards compatible change for 10 million developers... Nobody wants Python 2 -> 3...

It's a new keyword & bytecode feature, so there's no backwards compatible risks to it. Nobody's existing code would be impacted as nobody's existing code is using user-defined value types in the byte code.

It looks like there were some experiments and prototyping out of Valhalla from 2014-2018 (including a publicly available build: ), but there doesn't seem to be any updates since then