I've made quite a bit of use of Tangram JS (which I was very impressed by), and also of Mapzen's Open Street Map metro extracts and the IMPOSM project. Both very useful - thanks Mapzen.
Hope everyone involved manages to find new work swiftly.
Are you using Mapzen's vector tiles with Tangram? If so have you decided on a replacement? Mapzen pricing was good, too good it seems. I require access to global tiles but very low amount of requests with a custom Tangram JS yaml.
I'm not. I usually use Tippecanoe [https://github.com/mapbox/tippecanoe] to create vector tiles with my data on, and then pick a set of raster tiles from here [http://leaflet-extras.github.io/leaflet-providers/preview/] (the Stamen ones are very nice, and also the ESRI ones are gorgeous but need you to have an ESRI license) for background and labels.