There's something funny to me about the idea that the user-level Git commands are called the "porcelain," as if they were a toilet.

unrelated: I wish people would stop insisting on using full-width columns to display their blog content because it is nearly impossible to read on a 27" monitor.

Wrap that blog content with a


You don't have to run your browser maximized you know

Telling someone to change their workflow because a website refuses to deal with larger screen sizes is silly.

The whole point of HTML is to let the client display it the way it wants to. Don't blame the server when you tell the browser to be as wide as possible.

The idea that everyone wraps semantic content in their own UI is ludicrous and does not bear out in the real world. I didn't tell the browser to do anything, it's the website owner's job to ensure their content is legible for small devices up to large devices.

source. Guy who has maintained/maintains many websites large and small.

I think that we have seen that in the real world, not every website is going to support your particular workflow.

So you can be practical, and apply the very simple workaround, or you can continue to tell the void how wrong those people are.

Personally I think that your expectations put unreasonable burdens on websites which may not be run by large businesses with big budgets. Niche forums and blogs run by regular people as a labor of love shouldn't be expected to have to devote a lot of resources to be accepted on the web.

Literally as easy as:

And before you say I should do that myself, again, if you want your work to be comfortable to read for the world, the bare minimum involves legibility.