This is a bit tangential to the post, but I've seen a couple comments in this thread that amount to "Clojure is hard to read", but I think that's a really unfair comparison, because people are unwittingly comparing apples and oranges. It seems to me the reason people think Clojure is hard to read is that the language is so powerful and expressive, that when you're reading Clojure code, you're typically trying to understand the actual problem that's being solved, as opposed to just reading a bunch of code that's necessitated by the lack of power afforded by the language. For example, I can easily "read" a bunch of nested for loops in Java, but then I still have to try and understand what the actual problem is that's being solved. People seem to confuse those two things when comparing Clojure with other languages.
I think my issue with Clojure is that it's hard to learn how to write good Clojure. There is very clearly a way that it should be written (to keep the code clean, readable, and concise) but unless you are very familiar with working with Lisps then it's easy to create a giant mess
You could say that for a lot of other languages too, but you usually have some familiar base to work off of. That's less true with Lisps as they are so syntactically different than more mainstream languages
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