I used that settings for a few years, then tried to move entirely to vim, and now I'm very happy with vscode + vim.
I like vim as a touch typer, I think it's a setting that minimize end motions. It's also very convenient in the terminal. On the other hand, I think it's not convenient as an IDE: too many shortcuts, clumsy integration with LSPs, especially when you need to work with different languages.
For me it works best as a light, universal, editing mode on top of a modern solution for an IDE. That being said, I wonder if I wouldn't be better off moving away from vim entirely and get used to a simple setting which works straight out of the box.
NeoVim has got native LSP support, and works pretty well for me out-of-the-box for most languages. LSP servers need to be installed externally, but I hope they manage to bundle them somehow in the future. LunarVim already provides automatic LSP server installation.