I started to feel this after House of Cards; the feeling progressed through Sense8 and Stranger Things, and has finally come a head with The OA:

As a developer, I want to make something as beautiful as a Netflix original. I'm not really sure how, tho...

On further thought, I think my best bet is a framework...? Languages are much harder to get off the the ground, but the true beauty* lies in the amazing ideas in which / with which one thinks while programming.

* As opposed to, eh, merely aesthetic beauty - that code looks good.

If you are ever interested in pursuing aesthetic beauty as a developer, you might enjoy generative/procedural art.

Tools like Processing[0] are very accessible even to those with minimal programming experience, and can be very powerful and fluid environments if you have any familiarity with Java or similar languages (or clojure[1]). It's very easy to iterate rapidly (even some live-coding elements) and have a lot of visual feedback, such that it almost feels more like sculpting than a normal programming workflow.

