My convention for about the last ten years has been that every Python project I work on gets a `ve` directory where I install the virtualenv. Then `./ve/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt` and `./ve/bin/python myscript` are just kind of hard-wired into my muscle memory. I do a lot of Django and on Django projects almost everything is done via ``, so I just change the shebang line in it to `#!ve/bin/python` and then I can do `./ whatever` and it always works. I never have to remember to "activate" virtualenvs and I never accidently run a script with the wrong virtualenv activated. When I pair with other Python developers, I'm always amazed at how much time and focus they have to put into keeping track of that stuff and how much confusion it causes.

This comment made me wonder if there's a tool out there akin to ~~autoenv~~ direnv [1], but that automatically activates a virtual environment when you cd into a directory with e.g., a poetry.lock.

Surprisingly, it seems like the answer today is no. But there's a little bash snippet that wraps cd to give us a start [2]. But just dropping `poetry shell` in an `.envrc` for direnv is better than nothing too.

