Thanks for all your work on MapLibre, along with all the other contributors! I use MapLibre extensively in an open source and non-profit transit data aggregator and everyone keeps being blown away by how smoothly the map runs, even with tens of thousands of points.

We burn through MapTiler free tiles on a regular basis and have been looking to migrate to self-hosting, but somehow PMTiles flew under my radar and every other approach seemed to either still rely on MapTiler for data (where you have to chose between outdated or expensive) or just be a huge pain to set up. Hopefully this finally solves our map issues so we can actually start promoting the project without fear of the map disappearing in the first week every month.

My company may be able to help save you the trouble of self-hosting. We do have a free tier (for non-commercial / test usage), and our pricing structure allows you to save quite a bit compared to MapTiler.

Stadia Maps, right? Your pricing is better than MapTiler, but both have the same issues for us - there's a significant jump from free to paid (no pay-as-you-go option) and server-side caching is prohibited. Both of these are completely sensible business decisions, but don't make sense for us specifically.

We have plenty of server resources from both our local partners and various cloud providers that have non-profit grants, but basically no regular budget to spend on SaaS, so self-hosting everything is the only thing that makes sense.

Ah, that makes sense.

I'd take a look at -- I bet that fits the bill for what you need if you have the servers but need the data. :)