HN frequently seems obsessed with Matrix. So I want to ask, where do you all hang out and how do you use it? I think Matrix is cool, I just am not sure how people are actually using it.
Please don't tell me to look at the channels list there's a lot of porn and most channels I have joined are dead.
I use it as a one-stop-shop for messaging. I setup a Synapse server ~5 years ago and since then have convinced many of my close family and friends to join my server (or another). Now many of the folks I want to chat with are regular users of Matrix. For some of my stone-age friends that are still on WhatsApp, I run a bridge [1] so that I don't need to look beyond my Matrix client to see WhatsApp messages. For other random SMS messages, I use the dated SmsMatrix [2] to push text messages so I can see/reply from Matrix. Beyond that, I also use Matrix to connect to several open source communities (e.g. [3]).
1. 2. 3.!