This is a problem I want to focus my life solving. I believe that software engineering can be made so simple and clear that it can be wielded by an extremely small team of engineers. I believe that there are finite and fundamental classes of problems, that underpin the vast majority of problems, that have a distinct visual representation, and that by representing these problems visually, you let your "visual coprocessor" assist in seeing the solutions. I believe there are well-known strategies (taken from the real world) for managing hierarchies of complexity that ease the cognitive load of exploring any problem. We just need to get these approaches into a programming "langugage"!

I want to believe you, but there are just so many complicated problems IN REALITY that we have to model in software that I don't really see complexity going down.

Just an example: around here, most people have a first (given) and a last (family) name. If I don't model that as separate, I have trouble interfacing with other software. If I do, I have trouble with people from other cultures that don't follow that convention. Storing both risks the data going out of sync. What's the "right" way to store person names? There doesn't seem to be a simple solution.

Another example: we model physical cables (both for power grid and for data transmission) in our CMDB. All works fine, until you suddenly have a Y-shaped cable with three connectors that doesn't fit into your data model. The real world always has these 1% of cases that don't fit the general pattern; if you focus on the 99%, the 1% make trouble. If you focus on modeling every case, you have 10x the complexity, even for the simple case.

And then there are things that are moderately complex and security critical, like password recovery workflows. We haven't really found a way to reuse these among different technologies. Like, if you once figured out the perfect password reset workflow with Ruby on Rails, and your next job uses Python + Django, you're back to square one.

If somebody has a good idea for how to tackle these problems, please let me know!

The rabbit hole on names goes deep [1]. Lots of other fun rabbit holes. [2]

For how to model physical objects like those cables, go see how Grainger does it as a working practical model.

To really handle names properly, you need more context than the name in the presentation layer that many schemas take their modeling from can obtain. Government health care or similar widely-adopted encoding is sometimes Good Enough. If you want non-lossy exactitude however, then that's a much bigger scope (I'd be investigating a first-pass classifier with contextual hints taken from various geolocations, age, etc., that implies soliciting the name comes after what you normally solicit for input, and refining from there).

Password reset; this is why vendors like Okta exist to abstract authN away for us, and auth0 for authZ. Then there is the rabbit hole of what this abstraction leads to...

