We pin all of our npm dependencies and upgrade them via dependabot. Dependabot links to the GitHub or GitLab release for each dependency bump, and I typically skim / scan every single commit to each dependency. But there's no guarantee that what's on GH matches what is uploaded to npm (which is what happened in this case; there are no malicious commits).

Does anyone know of a good way to verify that a npm release matches what's on GH? Version controlling the entirety of node_modules/ and running untrusted updates in a sandbox would work in theory, but in practice many packages contain minified js which makes the diffs between version bumps unreadable.

Skip the nonsense and just check your dependencies in directly to your repo. The separation has no real world gains for developers and doesn't serve anyone except the host of your source repo. As it turns out most people's repo host is also the operator of the package registry they're using, so there aren't even theoretical gains for them, either.

Doing it this way doesn't preclude the ability to upgrade your dependencies, it _completely_ sidesteps the intentional or unintentional desync between a dependency's source and its releases, it means people have to go out of their way to get a deployment that isn't reproducible, and in 4 years when your project has rotted and someone tries to stand it up again even if just temporarily to effect some long-term migration, then they aren't going to run into problems because the packages and package manager changed out from beneath them. I run into this crap all the time to the point that people who claim it isn't a problem I know have to be lying.

> Skip the nonsense and just check your dependencies in directly to your repo.

Haha, no.

That would increase the size of the repository greatly. Ideally, you would want a local proxy where the dependencies are downloaded and managed or tarball the node_modules and save it in some artifacts manager, server, or s3 bucket

What's the problem with a big repository? The files still need to be downloaded from somewhere. It's mostly just text anyway so no big blobs which is usually what causes git to choke.

For that one-off occasion when you are on 3G, have a new computer without an older clone, and need to edit files without compiling the project (which would have required npm install anyway), there is git partial clone.

Does npm have a shared cache if you have several projects using the same dependencies?

>Does npm have a shared cache if you have several projects using the same dependencies?

pnpm does, that's why I'm using it for everything. It's saving me many gigabytes of precious SSD space.
