I think the author is taking general advice and applying it to a niche situation.

> So by violating the first rule of clean code — which is one of its central tenants — we are able to drop from 35 cycles per shape to 24 cycles per shape

Look, most modern software is spending 99.9% of the time waiting for user input, and 0.1% of the time actually calculating something. If you're writing a AAA video game, or high performance calculation software then sure, go crazy, get those improvements.

But most of us aren't doing that. Most developers are doing work where the biggest problem is adding the next umpteenth features that Product has planned (but hasn't told us about yet). Clean code optimizes for improving time-to-market for those features, and not for the CPU doing less work.

Don't forget the 90% of the processing time that it's waiting for a DB response

Eh, that heavily depends on language and dataset you're working with. I've seen "simple" data with some fat thing like RoR on top of it having 10x the latency of the underlying database after all the ORMing.

I have a similar experience. Also, for the longest time Rails was also incredibly slow at generating JSON, of all things. JBuilder [1] was a few orders of magnitude slower than using .to_json directly or other libraries.

[1] https://github.com/rails/jbuilder, maintained by DHH and the Rails team. AFAIR, the "official" JSON serialization DSL.