I have grown to understand that the relational model is the answer for solving all hyper-complex problems. The Out of the Tar Pit paper was a revolution for my understanding of how to approach properly hard things:


The sacred artifact in this paper is Chapter 9: Functional Relational Programming.

Based upon inspiration in this paper, we have developed a hybrid FRP system where we map our live business state to a SQLite database (in memory) and then use queries defined by the business to determine logical outcomes or projections of state for presentation. Assuming you have all facts contained in appropriate tables, there is always some SQL query you could write to give the business what they want. An example:

> Give me a SQL rule that says the submit button is disabled if the email address or phone number are blank/null on their current order.

  --Disable Order Submit Button Rule
  SELECT 1          -- 1 == true, 0 == false
  FROM Customer c, Order o
  WHERE o.CustomerId = c.Id
  AND c.IsActiveCustomer = 1
  AND o.IsActiveOrder = 1
  AND (IsNullOrEmpty(o.EmailAddress) OR IsNullOrEmpty(o.PhoneNumber))
I hope the advantages of this are becoming clear - You can have non-developers (ideally domain experts with some SQL background) build most of your complex software for you. No code changes are required when SQL changes.

The relational model in this context is powerful because it is something that most professionals can adopt and collaborate with over time. You don't have to be a level 40 code wizard to understand that a Customers table is very likely related to a ShoppingCarts table by way of some customer identity. If anyone starts to glaze over at your schema diagrams, just move everything into excel and hand the stakeholders some spreadsheets with example data.

Ahhh... a fellow traveller on the road.

I have been hacking on a Clojure/Script library (https://github.com/wotbrew/relic) to experiment with exactly this kind of thing. / PLUG

For most problems I encounter I want to focus on the data and its relationships.

I cannot help feeling like programming languages and idioms have me deal with too much 'mechanism', the machine like structures and forms that are mostly incidental to the data domains I work in, and are entirely about performance, layout, access pattern etc - when a machine could do an ok job of making those decisions for me until optimisation becomes important.