> So victimhood is a learned behavior after a certain age.
As a brown guy with kids in the school system, that's why recent trends in education alarm me. I don't want my kids to be taught that there's this amorphous but pervasive "systemic racism" and "white supremacy" out to get people who look like them, but which they can't do anything about. It's dangerous experimentation with kids' psychology.
Growing up as one of the few brown kids in what was (back then) solidly Republican Virginia, I learned we should treat everyone like we'd want to be treated ourselves. I don't think it would have helped my personal or professional success--not to mention my mental health--to be socialized to look out for these dark and foreboding forces around every corner. That's irrespective of whether it's true or not. If our white neighbors hated having Bangladeshis move in next door, they never let on, and frankly I think I'm better off not having dwelt on what was in their deepest thoughts.
The mere act of caring about your children's schooling, and taking measures to ensure its quality is a far more solid predictor of good outcomes than nearly anything else. At least, that's what economic data from the last fifty years says.
These "narratives" are just that, fictional stories told to support a prevailing social ideology, and yes, they are dangerous, not the least because they ignore the facts.
We can debate all day long about the merits of explaining systemic racism to young black kids vs keeping them ignorant about it. However the people ignoring the facts are the ones who deny systemic racism exists.
It may be better for children of color to be ignorant about it, but certainly not adults of any racial background.
Instead of just saying systemic racism exists, why not point out examples? Then people can judge for themselves what effect it may have on them instead of feeling like there's this oppressive "other" which is the cause of anything they don't like about their life and there's no point struggling against it because it'll just crush them anyway.
This list is more tailored to highlight systemic racism in criminal justice, but the economic side is just as important. There are much higher levels of poverty in black communities and that can be directly tied to the fact that in many ways black people were systematically prevented from building wealth for most of US history while white people were provided trillions of dollars in government subsidized economic opportunity that black people were excluded from. From the homesteading of thr 1800s to the fha backed loans that gave white people homes in the suburbs for lower mortgage rates than black people had to pay for rent to live in the redlined slums they were cordoned into by law.
[1] Police stop black drivers significantly more than white drivers when the sun is up and they are able to see that the driver is black, but not at night when they can't see the race of the driver. Meaning race is often the determining factor for why black drivers are pulled over.
[2] Unarmed black people are 3.49 times as likely to be killed as unarmed white people and local crime rates have zero effect on this statistic.
[3] Black and white officers use force at similar rates in white neightborhoods, but White police officers use force significantly more compared to black police officers when responding to calls in minority neighborhoods.
[4] Police in oakland find contraband at the same rate regardless of the race of the person, but search black drivers 4x more often.
[5] The more white a suspect appears to be the less likely police are to use force. The more black a suspect appears the more likely it is that police will use force.
[6] Black police officers are more likely to be shot by their fellow police than white police officers.
[7] Oaklad police disproportionately handcuff blacks at stunning levels regardless of which area of the city you look at.
[8] In San Francisco, “although Black people accounted for less than 15 percent of all stops in 2015, they accounted for over 42 percent of all non-consent searches following stops.” This proved unwarranted: “Of all people searched without consent, Black and Hispanic people had the lowest ‘hit rates’ (i.e., the lowest rate of contraband recovered).”
[9] The DOJ investigation into Ferguson PD, found “a pattern or practice of unlawful conduct within the Ferguson PD that violates the 1st, 4th, and 14th Amendments to the Constitution, and federal law.” The scathing report found that FPD was targeting black residents and treating them as revenue streams for the city by striving to continually increase the money brought in through fees and fines.
[10] In Chicago, a 2016 report found that “black and Hispanic drivers were searched approximately four times as often as white drivers, yet Chicago PDs own data show that contraband was found on white drivers twice as often as black and Hispanic drivers.”
[11]2014 ACLU analysis of Illinois DOT data found: “Black and Latino drivers are nearly twice as likely as white drivers to be asked during a routine traffic stop for ‘consent’ to have their car searched. Yet white motorists are 49% more likely than African American motorists to have contraband discovered during a consent search by law enforcement, and 56% more likely when compared to Latinos.”
[12] Black people are more likely to be wrongfully convicted and more likelt to be framed for a crime they didn't commit.
[13] Black kids are more likely to be tried as an adult.
[14] Black people get 20% longer prison sentences for the same crimes even when you control for criminal history.
[15] Black students are more likely to be arrested at school. This appears to be a function of increased security at predominantly black schools and not because black students commit crimes at school at higher rates.
[16] Security levels in schools are determined by how many black kids go to the school and not crime levels.
[17] Predominantly black schools are chronically underfunded compared to predominantly white schools.
[18] An identical resume with a white sounding name like Stephen or Susan is twice as likely to recieve a call for a job interview compared to the same resume with an ethnically black sounding name like Jamal or Latisha.
[19] Minorities who alter their resumes to seem white get more job interviews.
[20] Banks targeted black homeowners for predatory homeloans and refinancing in the lead up to the 2008 crisis. Causing black families to be disproportionately harmed by the forclosure crisis.
[21] owner-occupied homes in black neighborhoods are undervalued by $48,000 per home on average, amounting to $156 billion in cumulative losses. This study controls for crime rates. Neighborhood amenities like schools, parks, walkability, and public transportation. The size and age of homes etc.
[22] In an experiment landlords responding to emails treated Blacks, Arab males, Muslims, and single parents unfavorably.
[1] https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-020-0858-1
[2] https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal...
[3] https://www.nber.org/papers/w26774?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_me...
[4] https://stanford.app.box.com/v/Data-for-Change
[5] https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/194855061663350...
[6] https://www.hks.harvard.edu/sites/default/files/centers/wien...
[7] https://sparq.stanford.edu/opd-reports
[8] https://sfdistrictattorney.org/sites/default/files/Document/...
[9] https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/opa/press-releas...
[10] https://chicagopatf.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/PATF_Fina...
[11] https://www.aclu-il.org/en/press-releases/traffic-stop-data-...
[12] https://www.law.umich.edu/special/exoneration/Documents/Race...
[13] https://www.wnyc.org/story/black-kids-more-likely-be-tried-a...
[15] https://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2017/01/25/black-students...
[16] https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/06/160608180824.h...
[17] https://psmag.com/education/nonwhite-school-districts-get-23...
[18] https://www.nber.org/digest/sep03/w9873.html
[19] https://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/minorities-who-whiten-job-resumes...
[20] https://www.aclu.org/files/field_document/discrimlend_final....
[21] https://www.brookings.edu/research/devaluation-of-assets-in-...
[22] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S01660...
Is there a way I'm missing to save comments on HN besides also commenting on them so they can be revisited later? I'd like to save this. This is one of the best meta-summaries I've ever seen, on any topic.
May I recommend an organized note taking system copying the literal text and link for reference. I like org-roam with a hotkey to capture title and if existent any highlighted text.
There are of course about a million ways to skin this particular cat and plenty of them are good.
The benefit of using your own system is that you can trivially reference information from many websites via one method instead of relying on the many and varied features of many sites. The benefit of copying the full relevant text is both that you can search that text and if a site or a comment goes missing tomorrow or 5 years from now you aren't out the information.