Samsung hardware is top-notch, but the software bloat is ridiculous. The problem is they make some OS changes that are actually useful to the end-user, especially when Google seems to be asleep at the wheel.

We got really really close for a couple years there when HTC was shipping excellent hardware (the HTC One line) along with an interface that felt like a barely-skinned vanilla Android operating system. But then they kept hemorrhaging money, losing market position, and sold off most of their engineers to Google. Oh well...

Android has a bloat problem in general. I uninstalled almost everything on my new iPad. On my Pixel 6A, I can only disable stock apps (they are still there taking up space). Its 2023, I should be able to completely uninstall apps I don't need.

You can't uninstall apps contained in the OS image; you're just hiding them. Applies to Android as much as iOS and macOS, too, for that matter.

adb pm uninstall is pretty strong on stock unrooted Android

This functionality can ONLY be accessed via ADB. It is DIFFERENT from "hiding."

You can break lots of stuff, even Google spyware (Play framework), which is the evidence I need that adb pm uninstall actually works to disable prepackaged manufacturer malware!

Don't wait - try it today: