For years of my life, all I thought about was stuff like this. If you've ever ran latency sensitive systems on the JVM.. man is it ever a pain.

Who was it that turned GC off entirely, minimized allocation and just restarted their VMs when they ran out of RAM every couple of hours, was that Netflix?

Either way. It makes me excited for Rust and the languages it'll inspire, all this labor gone away.

The part of GC which causes the most latency issues is compaction rather than merely collection. Using a language like rust won’t help if you have memory fragmentation and indeed allocation tends to be much faster with a GC than with malloc. I think the advantages of rust are more to do with often avoiding heap allocation entirely (and predictably) or value semantics leading to fewer small allocations or the language’s semantics not forcing you to choose between more reliable allocation-heavy immutable-everything code and faster harder-to-think-about mutation-heavy code.

IMO, the main advantage of Rust is that it doesn't require an extensive runtime in order to have memory safety. This allows you to write a library like an image processor or embedded database without using C / C++.

Otherwise, if you wrote your image processor in C# or Java, it becomes hard to call your library from Python or Node because you have to require the entire VM. Likewise, you can ship an application binary that has no requirements for a runtime. (Your application binary doesn't require a JVM, CLR, Mono, Python, Node, or some other runtime.)

I've been through the Rust book twice but I'm just getting to the point of trying to write something in it. The mental model is very different. Coming from C# / Java / Javascript / Objective C; I'm wondering how many hours I need before I can get my head into Rust?

I'm learning Rust as well; in my opinion, starting with small guided projects is the most stimulating and incremental approach, although unfortunately, I find that starting practicing Rust - differently from other languages - requires "having read the whole reference".

The resources I've reviewed are:

- Rustlings: I personally don't like the project; it's exercises for the sake of exercising, which may be good or not, depending on the person/approach.

- Ferrous systems exercises (set of mini projects): very small and simple, but interesting to work on. I think they're a very good resource to try immediately after reading the book.

- Rust Programming By Example (book): if one finds one or more projects interesting to work on, this is a very fun book. it's "not-perfectly-produced" though, if you know what I mean.

- Hands-On Data Structures and Algorithms in Rust (udemy): even if one doesn't like algorithms, I think working with data structures implicity develops an understanding of "getting the head into Rust".

- Build your own Jira with Rust ( An exercise-based approach to practice; probably a good alternative to the previous resource, for those who really don't want to work with A./D.S..

- Talent Plan ( like the previous, but more technical.

Have fun :-)