I recently tried switching to Linux with a few different distro's (Ubuntu, Elementary OS, etc.) and use Wayland.

The thing that sticks out like a sore thumb to me, and which I've been unable to solve, is that apparently it's not possible to configure trackpad scroll speed. At all.

From what I was able to gather, Wayland/libinput say they shouldn't be responsible for handling it and instead window managers should[0][1], meanwhile gnome says wayland/libinput should handle it[2] and ultimately - several years later - it's still not possible to in pretty much any Linux distro that uses Wayland(?)

When I switch to my Linux laptop to test things, my trackpad is bonkers and I have to move my finger in like 1mm increments because otherwise I'd scroll like 10 pages in Firefox. It's infuriatingly frustrating.

[0] https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/libinput/libinput/-/issues/18...

[1] https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wayland/wayland/-/issues/87

[2] https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-control-center/-/issues...

Wayland is not GNOME, what you describe is not Wayland problem, but GNOME problem.

It's possible in both KDE and Sway.

GNOME is probably worst DE imaginable. After 20 years, they still don't have thumbnails in filepicker and even dropped preview side pane in GTK4. I can't even.

> GNOME is probably worst DE imaginable

I agree. And yet I also still use GNOME. I just really like the GTK aesthetic. And you'll have to pry dash-to-dock from my cold, dead hands.

Same here, only with Dash to Panel. But man - I have so many workarounds for standard functionality GNOME either breaks or refuses to implement. A symlink in place of /usr/bin/gnome-terminal, patch sets for GTK 3, custom scripts to work around that you can't configure the screenshot folder...
