I looked into OCR a while ago for some hundreds of thousands of pages of PDF. All hosted offerings would end up costing quite a bit.
After looking at options and few tests, I figured I'd use https://github.com/jbarlow83/OCRmyPDF It converts the PDF to an image for Tesseract and then recreates the PDF with the text copy-able.
It won't identify the address part of a driver's license, but that wasn't necessary for this project.
I've been thinking of running OCR on video frames. I'd also like to do speech-to-text extraction for searching my archives later (have about 4TB of video to trawl through, and desire text-based search capabilities). It's an interesting space to explore, but everything's been moving to web-service at a cost-prohibitive model.
Free software (AGPL-3.0 License), fast, highly accurate and extremely simple to deploy (I have no affiliation with them).