This is one weird comment section.

There are people attacking the author for a statement made about CoreOS, and for some hate towards Kubernetes.

The key point of the article is not really being addressed here: vested interests from large companies are able to introduce huge complexity into simple, well-designed projects. While the complexity may be good for some end that said vested interest has in mind, they are also in a position to absorb the cost of that increased complexity.

In the meantime, the simpler version of the software is long gone, with the added complexity placing a large burden on the solo developer or small team.

It's almost like there's no good representation in the open-source world for the solo developer or small team. Funding and adoption (in the extreme, some might say hijacking) of open-source projects from large corporations dictates the direction of all major software components today. Along with the roses come some very real thorns.

Just my 2c.

The problem, I think, is that the article presents all of its views as almost self evidently true. If you distill it down, the complaint is that etcd added gRPC.

I think it was a good move for an infrastructure piece like etcd to add gRPC. Now I can just grab a generated client in a language of my choice. There's certainly valid critiques of gRPC / protocol buffers but I've found things like gRPC and Thrift to reduce complexity in applications that use them, because there's a thousand interpretations of REST out there, not to mention the crazy things people do with 'simple' HTTP, such as long polling, which introduce implicitly complex semantics into something that is on the surface quite simple.

> Now I can just grab a generated client in a language of my choice.

But you can't curl the state of your infra component without creating a program and downloading the client artifacts. This is a very big step backward from an operability standpoint.

> because there's a thousand interpretations of REST out there

...but there weren't a thousand different interpretations of the etcd API out there: there was exactly one. And now there are two, and the one with the most utility (that can be used without generators and in languages where gRPC support is spotty) is being diminished.

While I agree with you that there could be design consistency arguments in the abstract for gRPC vs REST as a global architectural pattern, none of those applied to the concrete artifact of etcd client<->server communications.

> But you can't curl the state of your infra component without creating a program and downloading the client artifacts.

You can if you enable server reflection[1] and use a tool like grpcurl[2].

[1]: [2]: