Can somebody please explain to me why we would use gRPC?

It makes it really nice to define APIs (like with Openapi of swagger). There is a bunch of code generators out there to produce code for your definitions to have a native swift , objective , Java, Go api stubs for either clients or servers. It is a joy to work with in cross functional teams and define your APIs whilst taking into account what Api versioning would mean, how to define enums, how to rename field names whilst being compatible with the transport protocol and other things. Also if you were to route a payload from service A via B to C and each service is deployed independently and gets new Api changes, gRPC supports you in how to handle ther Szenarios.

Sure enough openapi can do all of this I guess but grpc definitions in Protobuf or Google artman are just way quicker to understand and work with. (At least for me)

Not familiar with gRPC, questions: how does the tooling compare to HTTP? Browser devtools lets you look what's on the wire, replay requests with slight alterations for debugging, have timelines and visualizations for the history of communication, extract and send self contained scriptlets (like you can do with curl) to someone else, etc. Which of these have some equivalents in generally available gRPC tooling?

In general, not nearly as mature. In general though, gRPC is not for browser->server calls (grpc-web notwithstanding) but is designed for server<->server communication.

There is some tooling out there for development ( and are pretty nice) but it's still much less mature than the massive amount of mature tooling available for HTTP-based services. And that is both an artifact of gRPCs relative youth compared to REST and also for some more fundamental reasons (binary wire format, mutual TLS based authentication, etc).

All that said, I've been working with gRPC over the past 6 months or so and overall the development experience is much nicer on net I think.