Reading the title I'm worried, should I keep using reflection instead?
If the information in this article is make-or-break for your program, you probably shouldn't have chosen Go.
In the grand space of all programming languages, Go is fast. In the space of compiled programming languages, it's on the slower end. If you're in a "counting CPU ops" situation it's not a good choice.
There is an intermediate space in which one is optimizing a particular tight loop, certainly, I've been there, and this can be nice to know. But if it's beyond "nice to know", you have a problem.
I don't know what you're doing with reflection but the odds are that it's wildly slower than anything in that article though, because of how it works. Reflection is basically like a dynamically-typed programming language runtime you can use as a library in Go, and does the same thing dynamically-typed languages (modulo JIT) do on their insides, which is essentially deal with everything through an extra layer of indirection. Not just a function call here or there... everything. Reading a field. Writing a field. Calling a function, etc. Everywhere you have runtime dynamic behavior, the need to check for a lot of things to be true, and everything operating through extra layers of pointers and table structs. Where the article is complaining about an extra CPU instruction here and an extra pointer indirection there, you've signed up for extra function calls and pointer indirections by the dozens. If you can convert reflection to generics it will almost certainly be a big win.
(But if you cared about performance you were probably also better off with an interface that didn't fully express what you meant and some extra type switches.)
This is good high-level advice as well as low-level advice.
Go is positioned to be most useful as an alternative to Java, and to C++ where performance isn't the key factor (i.e. projects where C++ would be chosen because "Enh, it's a big desktop application and C++ is familiar to a lot of developers," not because the project actually calls for being able to break out into assembly language easily or where fine-tuning performance is more important than tool-provided platform portability).
In practice, it's used as an alternative to python and ruby and nodejs. It can't fully do what Java or C# do.
Well, that is simply not true at all.
Go is a perfectly capable replacement for Java and C#. Many huge projects that would likely never be written in Python have been written in Go when they would have otherwise been written in Java or C# in years past: Kubernetes, Prometheus, HashiCorp Vault and Terraform, etcd, CoreDNS, TiDB, Loki, InfluxDB, NATS, Docker, Caddy, Gitea, Drone CI, Faktory, etc. The list goes on and on.
What, exactly, are you saying that Go can't do that Java can?
Go is not a perfectly capable replacement for Rust, for example, because Rust offers extremely low level control over all resource usage, making it much easier to use for situations where you need every last ounce of performance, but neither C# nor Java offer the capabilities Rust offers either.
I like C# just fine (Java... not so much), but your comment makes no sense. Certainly, I would rather use Go than most scripting languages; having static types and great performance makes a lot of tasks easier. But that doesn't mean Go is somehow less capable than Java or C#... it is a great alternative to both. If someone needs more than Go can provide, they're going to rewrite in Rust, C++, or C, not Java or C#.
> What, exactly, are you saying that Go can't do that Java can?
Runtime library addition (plugins) and dependency injection are two big ones. (We can argue the merit separately, but they're not possible in Go)
I think if Java had easily distributable static binaries k8s would have stayed Java (it started out as Java).