I'm sure this has benefit to someone but it doesn't really answer my core "K8S is simple" question in my mind:

Single node proxmox VM/LXC mix homeserver. Is learning K8S worthwhile?

I can see it helping me on cloud tech (inherently multi node) yet seems like a net negative at home.

It's one of those "it's popular & I could learn that, but what is the personal payoff for me here?"

> Single node proxmox VM/LXC mix homeserver. Is learning K8S worthwhile?

Maybe, although if you're fully happy with your current setup then probably not unless you just want to explore and learn new things.

I use kubernetes "at home" (ok, well it's an OVH server, but I use it for personal/home stuff), and I like it. I happen to run a wide variety of apps for myself and friends, already used docker, and I was somewhat reaching the limits of docker compose.

I really like the consistent ecosystem, and that k8s cleanly deals with problems like TLS termination with LE[1] and automatically updating my DNS[2]. I like that I can just write down what I want in a YAML file and don't have to mess around with docker commands or package managers or what else.

It's not for everyone, but I wouldn't say there's no value in it, especially if you're already using containers or a similar tool.

1: https://cert-manager.io/docs/

2: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/external-dns