Amazon publishing a blog that blatantly argues for vendor lock-in? Who would have guessed?

One of the big benefits of Kubernetes is the cloud-agnostic API for running pretty much any application. CustomResources can help blur that boundary and make it easier to use some managed services, but actually arguing in favor of that approach for everything is a pure advertising tactic.

It's no secret that managed services are several times more expensive than equivalent EC2 time. Sometimes it's worth it. But to throw Kubernetes into the mix just to run some controllers that deploy those services will pointlessly add to your monthly bill. Running any Kubernetes cluster is not cheap, even if it's just a bunch of controllers.

Disclaimer: I work for AWS but had nothing to do with this blog post (I'm seeing it for the first time with everyone else here).

I think this is an unfair summary of the post. Of course, using Kubernetes to orchestrate other AWS services is going to be a go-to example on the _AWS_ blog, but there is plenty of vendor-agnostic software doing similar things: DNS Records[1], Databases[2], even using Kubernetes CRDs to deploy Kubernetes[3].

The idea of using Kubernetes as an API to orchestrate external resources doesn't inherently lock you into any single vendor.

1: 2: 3: