has anyone used systemjs + jspm here ? I inherited a codebase using jspm (due to the override registry system that works great with legacy javascript packages - like Handsontabe) and am wondering about webpack.

I regularly use JSPM (with systemJS) for new projects, and I've liked it a lot.

Back when webpack first came out, I struggled a little bit with figuring out what it actually did. While I understand now, I am not why I would want to (or you) switch from JSPM to webpack. I don't see any features that webpack has that JSPM doesn't (and JSPM offered ES6 support well before of course, with babel on by default).

I like to use JSPM because of how relatively easy everything fits together -- and how straightforward it is to use and configure.

For those not familiar, JSPM is a package manager, module bundler, and module loader all in one for javascript applications.

This means you can:

  jspm install 
And JSPM will look in NPM/Github (and it's possible to add registries, like bower) for stuff . That's the package management facet.

  jspm bundle-sfx js/main dist/build.js
Bundle your code all together, and drop it in a file

    // set our baseURL reference path
      baseURL: '/app'

    // loads /app/main.js
Load your modules on the fly like you would with something like RequireJS.

As you may have guessed, JSPM relies on SystemJS (https://github.com/systemjs/systemjs) internally for some of the features above.

This video really opened my eyes to what it could do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iukBMY4apvI