Pertinent facts for the worried:

1) Git doesn't rely on SHA-1 for security. It relies on HTTPS, and a web of trust.

2) Even if git did rely on SHA-1, there's no imminent threat. What happened today was a SHA-1 collision, not a preimage attack. If a collision costs 2^n, a preimage attack costs 2^(2n).

3) Even if someone managed to pull off a preimage attack, creating a "poisonous" version of one your git repository's objects, they'd still have to convince you pull from their repo. This requires trust.

4) Even if you pulled it in, your git client would simply ignore their "poison" object, because it would say, "oh, no thanks, I already have that object". At worst, the code simply wouldn't work. No harm would be done.

When it comes to git, an attacker's time is better spent creating a secret buffer overflow than wasting millions of dollars on a SHA-1 collision.

I control a fleet of servers. I have a saltstack or ansible script. One of the steps in provisioning a new server is to pull library X from

One day Egor Homakov finds a new hack and finds his way into access to the master branch for library X. As a prank, he force pushes a change to master.

Being aware of such a possibility, instead of setting up my script to pull from master or even a specific tag, perhaps I pull from a specific sha1sum. That way I know I'm getting the exact version I want. That's today. Tomorrow, when preimage SHA-1 attacks are cheap, it will no longer save me.

> I control a fleet of servers. I have a saltstack or ansible script. One of the steps in provisioning a new server is to pull library X from

Ansible gives larger and easier to exploit attack vectors than git.

And then, with pulling semi-random things from internets you have much bigger problems with your deployment procedure. You should never ever download a git repository with software, instead you should be using package system supplied by your operating system.

Package managers allow you to download from git repositories too. He'd suffer from the same attack vector.

Erm... Which ones?