> Homebrew’s analytics are now sent both to Google Analytics and our new, self-hosted InfluxDB instance hosted in the EU.

> If you had previously set HOMEBREW_NO_ANALYTICS because you didn’t like Google Analytics and/or data being sent to the USA: please consider unsetting this and setting HOMEBREW_NO_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS instead, allowing analytics data to be sent to our new InfluxDB host.

My package manager was reporting my actions to Google and I didn’t even know about that. Great…

They'd be well advised to make this opt-in only for legal reasons. This is not going to go down well in a lot of places and they might get exposed to law suits.

As in the post: they're intending to drop the GA part entirely within 90 days, and it sounds like the new metrics are entirely anonymous, and so not covered by GDPR etc. IANAL but as far as I can tell that should avoid all legal concerns once GA is gone.

We only have their pinky promise that the new analytics are anonymous. For all we know this might be a PR operation because people increasingly dislike Google, and they'll sell the "anonymous" analytics to Google under the table.

I'll make it a goal to stop all their tracking on the level of my router.

> We only have their pinky promise that the new analytics are anonymous.

Isn’t Homebrew open source? One could audit the source themselves. If you’re talking about what happens on the server side yes, but I don’t see the difference with any other computer I connect with over the internet.

[1] https://github.com/Homebrew/brew