Much more prefer the htmx way of SSR parts of the page dynamically. Also, totally server-side agnostic, so we can use what we prefer. Clojure in our case.

HTMX has to be my favourite thing web related. I never really got React and always found it a bear to setup and use, but HTMX and server ride rendering? Easy and extremely productive for a non-frontend guy like me.

I really hope it or something like it becomes popular long term.

I just started using htmx in a new personal project. I’m pretty excited to see how it goes. I’m doing a sort of back to basics stack with PHP, simple classless css lib and htmx. So far it’s been a refreshing experience

"classless css lib" ??

Not op but classless CSS frameworks are awesome. The idea is to keep it simple and use the appropriate HTML tags where there were generally meant to go, and the framework will theme the page to improve usability and add flair. I've developed some great little sites with no classes at all!

Obviously this approach has its limits, but it works well for proof-of-concept sites or sites that don't need to be very complex or dynamic. Just a sensible font size, nicer looking form elements, etc.

Here is a list of classless CSS frameworks: