This is the beauty of modern C++. The code has become so hard to read (without years of prior knowledge) that as a human, it's rather hard to find any possible errors. The code can take on a Schrodinger state where it appears both right and wrong.

I don't think it's C++'s fault necessarily. The C/C++ ecosystem seems to attract more of a certain type of developer who will tell you to just "get good" at the language so you van decipher their code and use it without a billion memory bugs, but the language doesn't specify any of it.

It's easy to point out an example of unreadable code in any language because every language has their weird programmers. If you stick to modern tools with strict linting and good design, you can write perfectly readable C++ code.

I don't use C++ often, but I find the code over at to be more legible than many large code bases in other languages.