I have been programming with c# since 2000 i think. But I do not like where the languages is going.

It is becoming way to loose in a sense and it seems that it wants more than it should.

If you want to do functional programming, pick a fp language.

If you want to do dynamic typed programming pick a dp language.

Sure you can mix some things in, but c# is becoming way to scattered imo. And it's not pretty i think.

I think I'm going to get diabetes from all the syntax sugar...

On the more substantive changes, it feels a little like the language designers have been looting F#.

Combined with how fast Dotnet Core is moving and how many breaking changes there are there, it does feel like things are getting very fragmented.

Stasis isn't good either; just witness the decade or so of stagnation after Java 1.6 as the Sun -> Oracle transition happened. But you can go too far in the other direction.

I don’t think they’re just randomly throwing stuff at the wall. These are all things they’ve been talking about for years.

The C# language design process is very much in the open, so anybody can go and take a look at the rationale etc.
