I'm curious: - How deep a rabbit hole do most people go down when setting up their vim / neovim environment?
Apart from setting up a preferred color and language specific tab spacing and highlighting, I don't need more, but I've seen some pretty fancy setups.
Out of the different plugins, which would you never operate without?
Having gone from a stock vim to a highly modified vim and back again, here are some plugins that I find really boost my productivity:
- neoterm, for opening a REPL in a split buffer and quickly sending chunks of lines to the REPL (https://github.com/kassio/neoterm)
- fzf for faster buffer and file navigation (https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.vim)
- vim fugitive for good git integration (https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive)
- some other tpope plugins (surround, unimpared, commentary, vinegar)