The density and type of ads masks well presented information. I don't see the ads but am left unwilling to share links to the site where I sure would otherwise.

Yeah, the ads are a double-edged sword. We've been running this site for... ten years? And for the longest time it languished with some Google Adsense ads on there, making enough to keep the servers running, but not enough to invest more effort in it.

Then we recently switched ad provider, and the site grew a bit as covid started easing up, revenue doubled with the potential for more, and boom it's worth it to invest in it again.

I don't like the ads. I'd rather offer the site without them. But without them the site wouldn't be up - I'd have to turn off the servers, and there wouldn't be a map of temperature fingerprints at all.

I really wish there were a better solution. But so far there just isn't.

At least we don't do anti-ad-block ;)

(I'm one of the site creators)

A developing alternative to advertisements is micropayments using HTTP 402 status and Bitcoin over the Lightning network.