The startup I work for blocks all of china, russia, belarus and serbian IP space, which saves us about $50kper month in bandwidth charges.

The absolutely first thing I do at every company and on every project is ask if I can block russia, china and belarussian IP space, and add all of their ASNs to the bogon list if we run our own bgp.

They are never customers to the businesses of the companies I work for, but they sure manage to harm our businesses.

Russisns mostly try to disrupt and steal because thats their foreign policy.

Chinese just try to destroy and censor. Worked at a company which hosted presentations, one of their 5 million presentations was critical of China. We received over 10,000 phone calls and close to a million emails in two days, and a sustained 10gbps ddos attack for a week.

Letting russia and china on the internet was a massive security mistake we should rectify. The world spends literally BILLIONS because chinarussia are frankly assholes online.

Edit: corrected $500k per month to $50kb per month.

> Letting russia and china on the internet was a massive security mistake we should rectify.

Internet is decentralized in nature. Even if you tried to undo that, what's stopping anyone from bridging a non-CN/RU Intranet to CN/RU-Intranet.

More importantly: who is to decide that? Should now a US-based organization dictate who EU/JP/Africa can communicate with? Applying such decisions at such a low level will only result in the balkanization of the Internet.

And I totally agree with your approach, cost-reward of CN/RU links don't make sense for 99% of people. But blocking should *still* be optional (opt-in vs opt-out is another debate), becase for some (e.g. hardware, financial firms), the benefits of being able to communicate with China and Russia might outweigh the constant spam/attacks.

On a general note, why do people constantly try to impose their perspective on others? "This is bad for me/most, therefore should be banned for all."

> what's stopping anyone from bridging a non-CN/RU Intranet to CN/RU-Intranet.

If someone were considering this, here's a means to do it with 402s: