It's interesting, I'm reading Black Swan at the moment by Nassim Taleb, and one of his big rants is about how we get blinded by idealized, platonic forms and ideas when the real world is messy and inherently unpredictable. E.g. trying to explain the forms of nature with platonic archetypal shapes like circles, rectangles and triangles. Lisp and the community around it kinda has that flavor - getting lost in a world of "pure forms" and grand ideas, but downplaying the important but messy practical reality of hardware, useful libraries, and getting cool stuff done with a minimum of fuss. I'm periodically fascinated by Lisp (I wrote an interpreter or two in C) but I wonder if its "Platonicity" is part of its downfall.
I don't think actual Lisp programmers share this obsession with purity and ideal forms. It's more something that shows up in blog posts about Lisp by people who probably don't actually use it. The title of this one is telling: it's about "the idea of Lisp."
On the other hand, if you look at, say, ANSI Common Lisp, it's not at all some kind of perfectionistic attempt at divine elegance. It's a pragmatic compromise resulting from years, decades, of actual use on real computers.
Just browse around the SBCL compiler source code and you'll see that this stuff is developed by people who definitely aren't afraid of the messy practical reality of hardware:
Generally spend some time within the Lisp community and see how many people you see fretting over Platonic archetypal shapes and compare to people solving actual problems and using the language as just a nice way to program a computer.
Emacs is another example that demonstrates the spirit of actual Lisp programming as opposed to armchair theorizing about lambda calculus fundamentals.
But then again, there's Scheme ...
Even Schemes can take a practical turn, e.g. Racket.
Racket isn't Scheme. It is its own dialect. That's why it's no longer called Scheme.
At present, there are only a few Schemes that are practical: Chicken, Guile, Chez, and Gambit seem to be the big players, with Cyclone, Chibi, and Bigloo bringing up the rear.
Wow, pedantic much? It started out as a pure Scheme, then "took a practical turn" as the parent said. You can still make it act like a pure Scheme with a #lang directive.
It's also kind of funny that a handful of major, practical implementations is considered a low amount. Number of Python implementations? Between one and three, depending on definition. Number of Javas? 2 or 3 again. Number of Clojure implementations? One. Javascript? Half a dozen at most.
Seems to me like the problem is standardization between these implementations, not overall number.
At least three:
- Clojure on the JVM:
- ClojureScript (JavaScript):
- Clojure on the CLR: