Very cool, thanks for doing this.
A bit off topic, but here is my Emacs configuration advice: keep a Dropbox folder 'emacs' where your confit file and installed packages live. On numerous laptops my .emacs file is a one line load, and for Linux servers where I don't want to install Dropbox support, I just drop a copy of Dropbox/Emacs into my home directory. I thought of using a git repo, but for now this works fine.
i wouldn't recommend keeping your elpa packages in dropbox if you sync between different operating systems. i've run into issues where auxiliary binaries were giving me trouble.
instead, you can use use-package [0] and keep your configuration files in dropbox/syncthing.
[0] one of emacs's killer libraries, imo. a brilliant package configuration system that i don't believe vimL could ever support: